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Algolib -- A Scala Library of Essential Algorithms

Submitted by h2b on 2. May 2016 - 19:19
Programming language: 
Scala (2.12, 2.11)
Tuesday, 3. May 2016

This is a Scala library of essential algorithms.

It starts with Scala implementations of some algorithms from the book Algorithms 4 by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne [1]. Further adaptations from this book will be added from time to time. Other algorithms may go into this library as well.

Algolib -- README

Submitted by h2b on 2. May 2016 - 18:23

Algolib -- A Scala Library of Essential Algorithms

This is a Scala library of essential algorithms.

It starts with Scala implementations of some algorithms from the book Algorithms 4 by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne [1]. Further adaptations from this book will be added from time to time. Other algorithms may go into this library as well.

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