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Upgrading openSUSE from a Running System

Submitted by h2b on 27. March 2012 - 18:23
12.1 - 13.2

Want to upgrade system to new openSUSE distribution without using media like DVD, CD, USB sticks or the like. Instead, just performing an upgrade from the running system.

Update: The script talked about in the text has been replaced by a new version with simplfied usage. For details see the comment New Version with Simplified Usage.

Crontab without Continuous Operation

Submitted by h2b on 20. October 2010 - 18:15

Events triggered by crontab will not happen, if the PC is off-state at the time specified.

Unix systems including Linux have a mechanism that automatically can execute programs at a specified time – for instance daily at a certain time of day or weekly or monthly at a given day and here again at a certain time of day. All of this is triggered by a file named crontab which usually resides in the directory /etc (i. e., /etc/crontab) and contains the particular indications.

Problems when Configuring the Login Screen by the KDE4 Login Manager

Submitted by h2b on 14. May 2010 - 19:34
KDE 4.3 / KDE 3.5 / KDM
openSUSE 11.2 (x86_64)

Settings taken by the KDE4 login manager have no effect on the login screen.

After updating a KDE3-based Linux system (in my case openSUSE) to a new version based on KDE4, it may happen that the login screen cannot be changed by the login manager of KDE4 (System Settings|System|Login Manager) anymore. Even though the settings taken there are stored correctly at the dedicated location


Sound problems after updating KDE

Submitted by h2b on 4. January 2010 - 22:31
KDE 4.3.1
openSUSE 11.2 (x86_64)

KDE sound ringing out only sporadic, although working with non-KDE programs.

After updating from openSUSE 11.1 to version 11.2 and the incorporated transition from KDE 3.5 to 4.3 on one PC the sound generated by KDE applications (including system notifications) only worked every once in a while: when logging in it was there or it was not until the end of the session, where this behaviour appeared to be arbitrary and non-reproducible. At the same time, non-KDE programs did not show such bugs, their sound happened to perform faultless.

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